The power of prayer

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The power of prayer

The Power of Prayer has been known to humanity since ancient times. Through prayer and medicinal herbs, various ailments were treated. People thanked God for everything He provides, prayed for the health of their children and loved ones. Why do people turn to God, as to a dear father, with all their joys and sorrows? What is the power of prayer? Well, perhaps, it lies in the fact that in our sincere prayer, we invest great faith that God will hear us, console us, and help us.

So, the power of prayer lies in the fact that a person can trust God, knowing that He will attentively listen to what has accumulated in our souls and provide relief. Prayer infuses new spiritual life into us, gives us new strength, fills us with energy so that we can withstand various adversities, not lose hope, even in the face of despair. The power of prayer also lies in the fact that it can bring a disheartened person a sense of peace, balance, and healing for the soul and body.

When we turn to God in prayer, or to the Virgin Mary, or to the Saints, we utter words that come from the very depths of our hearts, appearing as if thoughts from our hearts are taking flight to the Most High with great trust. In a person with pure thoughts, it’s as if a channel of information exchange with Higher Forces of goodness and light is opened. Thus, God’s grace descends upon the person – energy and information of very subtle vibrations that heal the soul and body of a person.

The power of prayer also lies in the fact that the energy of sincere prayer complements and strengthens a person’s bio-plasma field – their aura. This is confirmed by Kirlian photographs, which clearly show the strengthening of a person’s aura after they have prayed. In individuals with poor health or weakness, the aura is thin and even torn. Naturally, such an aura allows all negativity to pass through to the person. However, after prayer, the aura becomes wider and denser. A healthy aura does not allow any harmful energies to penetrate it, benefiting a person’s health.

What prayer can heal has been recognized by both scientists and doctors. Experiments conducted both in our country and abroad indicate that patients for whom loved ones and friends prayed tended to recover faster and had fewer complications. There is a belief that during prayer, a channel of communication is established between a person and the energy-information field that has been formed over hundreds of years by our ancestors.

Prayer is not just words; it is the numerical and sound code of the Universe. In this way, a person establishes contact with the Forces of Light. Our life, thanks to prayer, becomes peaceful and harmonious. During prayer, a person’s significant spiritual reserves are unlocked.

The power of prayer in action

Therefore, those who pray must have a firm faith in the power of prayer, and then they will inevitably receive what they ask for. I will give an example from my husband’s life. Once, he and his brother and friend went to get firewood. They attached a sturdy sled to a small tractor and loaded it with a lot of firewood. As they were working, it started to get dark. The village was still a few kilometers away. So, my husband decided to take a shortcut and drove across the field at an angle. It became completely dark. He didn’t pay attention and drove the tractor into a plowed furrow. The tractor couldn’t get out because it was heavily loaded. What to do?

There was no one around to ask for help. Then my husband sincerely turned to God, praying that the tractor with the firewood would be able to reach the solid road near the strip of forest. And what do you think happened? Some otherworldly force lifted the tractor with the firewood and placed it on the road. The guys were wondering, ‘What just happened?’ And my husband replied, ‘God helped!’

That’s the immense power of prayer!

Article by: Zinov’yeva N. P.

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