Learn to SEE KINDNESS around you
The article “Learning to See Kindness Around Oneself” is my philosophical reflection, an encouragement to contemplate the issues of today, an attempt to change attitudes towards the negative events surrounding us, and to learn to focus our attention on the Creator, Happiness, Kindness, and Love. It’s about nurturing the sprouts of spirituality within ourselves, nurturing them, and sharing them with the world around us.
Learning to See Goodness Around Oneself
Recently, I went for a walk with a buggy. We reached the playground, and I took Alice out of the stroller so she could run and play to her heart’s content. I remember a thought crossing my mind then:
– As many years and months as my child has, that’s how long the war lasts..
(Because this little one was born into our family right at the beginning of those terrible events in February 2022. It’s already the third year since they began… And if we also consider that we live in the red zone, meaning a frontline territory, and we often hear and see explosions, sometimes it’s just unbearable…)
And then, in an instant, I began to shift my thoughts to something else, something positive. I started searching, quite literally, for Happiness around me. And let me tell you, it’s something you need to learn! Because it’s not as easy as it seems: where there’s war and devastation, daily air raids, where for the third year in a row our children don’t go to school and learn at home via the internet… Try it, seek that inspiration! Try to keep your heart pure and calm! It’s a tough challenge – finding balance where chaos reigns…
So here I was, clearing my “rotten” thoughts, and I deliberately began to search for manifestations of the Creator. Astonishingly, right at my feet, a dandelion is blooming. It’s still quite cold, not yet time for it to bloom, but it’s blooming – warming my soul. I leaned down to the dandelion, admiring it.
Alice was running around, murmuring something to herself, and I continued to look around… Oh, there’s a boy with his dad on the same playground launching a homemade plane. The plane starts to circle and soon descends. The boy rushes to it and launches it again. So many times in a row. I hear someone giving the boy instructions… Children gather around, shouting:
– Come on, give it another try! Launch it!… Careful…
The toy plane fell down again. So the kids kept chattering for a while longer.
And my little one was already getting sleepy. She sat in her stroller and fell asleep. While she was sleeping, I gathered my things because I had planned to do something. I asked a dear person to take care of Alice, and I hopped into a taxi to get there faster and left.
As I’m driving, I say to myself:
– You should seek beauty around you, focus on that! No matter how tough today may be, you must learn to see the manifestations of the Creator’s love.
As I sit in the taxi looking out the window, I see a couple walking: an elderly man and woman. They embrace and walk hand in hand. It warms my heart to see this. I take a mental “picture” of this moment, “capture” it with my eyes, and hold it in my heart. I continue to observe…
There on a large billboard, it says: “We will overcome!”
– We will definitely prevail, – I thought.
And once again, I fill my heart with warm thoughts. The world is multidimensional. So I choose to live in Kindness, Peace, and Love.
Then I arrived, did what I had to do. And I was already getting ready to leave – to go back home so as not to leave my little one for too long. But then the manager approached me and said:
– Could you wait for a short while, about 15 minutes?
– Why? – I ask, not understanding where this is leading.
– I want to give you something from myself… Please wait, don’t go.
– Okay, – I agreed.
Exactly after the specified time, the female manager approaches me and gives me a bouquet of live flowers. I was completely bewildered because the flowers were beautiful – yellow tulips on a tall stem.
– They don’t cost you anything, – she said to me. – It’s my promised gift. Thank you for agreeing to wait a little.
Here are these flowers, take a look. Beautiful, aren’t they?
![Весняні квіти. Жовті тюльпани](https://olha-maria.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/kvity_zhovti-tyul-pany-foto.jpg)
![Букет з жовтих тюльпанів (фотографія)](https://olha-maria.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/zhovti-tyul-pany-foto.jpg)
I returned home in a good mood, with tasks completed, and even a bouquet of flowers.
– That’s strange, – I thought.
I sent a photo of the tulips to my eldest son. He said they were beautiful and the bouquet was quite big. And I counted the flowers – 25 incredible, wonderful, yellow tulips!
That’s how it goes! It’s no coincidence that all day today I was attracting Happiness to myself. It turns out that the Universe hears our requests. And it does respond to each of us!
Stay healthy, nurture hope for the better. From the bottom of your heart, believe in the power of Justice and Goodness! Turn to the Lord, and He will answer you… He will definitely answer. Trust in Him! Know that He hears us!
Thank you for being with us! You can leave your feedback in the comments below this article.
By the way, friends, here is the first comment I received regarding this article:
Liudmyla Savitary writes:
“What’s inside is what’s outside! An incredible practice of life! Seeing the hand of the Creator in everything, His wonderful play, a great design! There is nothing bad or good, everything is in balance! And only our mind generates those horrors that lead us nowhere. Thank you for your thoughts and wonderful practice of seeking beauty around you!”
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