Prayer for Ukraine
Let this prayer for Ukraine sound loudly and spread among the people. Let’s pray together, friends, for our motherland!”
“O Lord God of Hosts, God of our salvation, You alone work wonders. Look in grace and mercy upon Your humble servants, hear and have mercy on us. For our enemies have gathered against us to destroy us and annihilate our country and our sanctuaries. Help us, O God, our Savior, deliver us, for the sake of Your glorious Name, and let the words spoken by Moses be fulfilled upon us:
Be courageous, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, for the Lord fights for you.
O Lord God, our Savior, do not remember the iniquities of your people, and do not turn away from us in your anger, but visit your humble servants in your grace and mercy. Come to our aid and grant victory to our warriors in Your Name, and destroy the unjust intentions of those who wage war against us.
Let this prayer be heard at all times; every day we will rely on God. Let’s pray together, for together we are strong! Together to victory!!!