The game with sun rays
“The game with sun rays” is one of my notes on health preservation. At this point, I must unfortunately inform you of some unpleasant news because this practice will CURRENTLY be inaccessible to most people. The good news, however, is that each of you, as you enrich your inner spiritual well-being, can gain access to it and BEGIN TO APPLY IT IN PRACTICE.
Now, I will explain in detail what I mean. Curing all kinds of illnesses with medication is simply impossible, but raising your energetic vibrations to a high level is achievable! This is not a call to give up on medications because they are indeed necessary, but they only alleviate symptoms rather than permanently remove the illness. This is something that should be understood. Medications assist on the path to recovery, but they do not change a person’s negative habits that led to a particular illness! There is a wealth of literature on this subject, but let’s delve into the next example from my own life experience.
The game with sun rays
I have three children. So, one day, the youngest one fell ill. She suddenly developed a high fever of 39.8°C. The cause? An acute respiratory viral infection or an upper respiratory tract illness. The day before she got sick, my little one had been playing with a sick child. And the next day, she had a high temperature herself. Yes, no one is immune to such incidents in their life; that’s true.
We tried to reduce her fever with Nurofen syrup (following the recommended dosage), but the fever only went down to 38.7°C and then rose again. Because the child was only 1.6 years old, we decided to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. The main thing was to get her on an IV drip. She was hooked up to an IV with a Ringer’s solution and saline.
On the way to the children’s hospital, which was about a 40-minute drive, I was giving my child unsweetened fruit drink and praying to the Lord.
Due to my meditative practices and energy work, I had learned to elevate myself energetically to higher realms. This time, I was also enveloped in Divine Light. It surrounded me from all sides, and it felt like I was “bathing” in it. And at that moment, I had a peculiar conversation with God:
– Why didn’t you bring your child here? – I heard in response.
– Can I do that? – I asked.
– Bring her here right now, – I heard in reply.
So, I went back to get my child, and there we were, the two of us in Heavenly Radiance. It was the first time I had “lifted” her there, and I was very curious to see what would happen next and how she would react.
At first, she stood still, not understanding anything. Where was she? What should she do? She had no experience, and that was understandable. She turned to me and reached out her little arms for me to pick her up. Then she started kicking her legs and indicated to me that she wanted to go back to a more familiar environment.
– Do you want us to leave? – I asked her. She nestled against me and hugged me. That was her answer.
But at that moment, the Light started to play with my little girl. Sunbeams appeared, and there were many of them. They were running around her as if someone had turned on a flashlight. My little one saw these “bunny rays” and began looking around, clearly intrigued by them. Then she climbed down from my arms and started examining them. However, after a while, she asked to be picked up again. I sat down beside her, wanting to linger a little longer with my sick child in the Heavenly Pure Radiance. But the child preferred to return.
And miraculously, together with my little one, we witnessed how the Light began to concentrate right before our eyes. The sun rays became thinner and thinner, yet acquiring a certain “solidity.” Some of them resembled glowing branches. Or you could compare them to thin New Year’s fireworks that we hold in our hands when the clock strikes midnight and the New Year begins. Very similar, but these sun rays were all shining, and at their tips, there was a concentrated glow resembling a small lantern.
Oh, my little one liked it! What’s more, at her age, she loves collecting twigs while on a walk, and here they were glowing! She took one in her hand – no fear. Then she started playing with them and filled her little child hands with that Heavenly Divine Light. That’s how she played with the sun rays!
I thanked God for all of this, for allowing me to take my little daughter, for doing everything so that my child could spend a little time in His magnificent Radiance. I never stop thanking You, God, for this!!!
Then we returned to our bodies together. My child was remarkably calm and even smiling! Have you ever seen a sick little child with a temperature near 40°C being so calm and relaxed, just smiling? Honestly, I saw that for the first time in my life. I understood that the illness would soon simply disappear, dissolve into nothingness.
Later, we were at the reception area of the children’s hospital, and half an hour later, my little one was on an IV drip. But my motherly heart was so calm!!!
We arrived at the hospital in the evening. The next day, my daughter’s temperature was 36.7, and then it dropped to 36.4. It didn’t rise again!
I’ll add that when we were brought to the hospital, they immediately took a blood sample from my little one. Well, what could the result of that blood be with a temperature of up to 40°C? Poor. Infectious blood, as the doctors told me. Then they added that such a blood test is similar to what you might see with kidney issues, so we needed to provide a urine sample for analysis immediately.
Why be happy, you might ask? The blood test was very poor, suspicion of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, extremely high temperature… Yet my heart was calm because I knew that my daughter was now under God’s protection, and the Lord Himself was taking care of her!
The ENT doctor examined my sunshine, my little one – a slightly red throat, no wheezing, no nasal congestion, ears were fine, no conjunctivitis in the eyes. The entire next day (meaning after one night in the hospital), the temperature never rose. The throat was simply pink, which even surprised the doctor. Urine analysis – normal. They rechecked the blood test – normal. If everything remains okay until the next morning, you can go home.
So, that’s how it went. The tests were normal, no new symptoms appeared, only my little one still had a poor appetite. We were given a discharge summary. Of course, we informed our local pediatrician about it. So, when we got back home, the pediatrician called me.
– How is this possible? – the pediatrician was nervous. – The child had a temperature of 39.8°C, and she was discharged so quickly. I’m a doctor with many years of practice, and I’m a grandmother six times over, and I’m ordering you to take (then there was a whole list of medications written down) these medicines, and I don’t understand how this can be! A child cannot be perfectly healthy two days after such a high temperature!!!
But I knew – IT CAN BE! BECAUSE GOD TOOK CARE OF HER!!!! I entrusted my child to Him, I completely relied on HIM. Praise the Most High God! Praise Jesus Christ!!!
Trust in the Lord! Believe with all your heart, with all your being, and may you have good health!!!
I’m waiting for your comments, please write your thoughts on this case in the comments below. If something similar has happened to you, please share it. Thank you!
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