Medicinal Plants of Ukraine

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Лікарські рослини України
The pictures depict: 1) Prunella vulgarist; 2) Prunus spinosa L.; 3) Rhamnus cathartica L.; 4) Rhubarber; 5) Ríbes nígrum; 6) Rosa canina L.; 7) Rubus caesius L; 8) Rumex confertus.

Medicinal plants can be found everywhere: in the forest, in the field, in the garden, and on the farm. People have long noticed the ability of some plants to produce substances that aid in the treatment of various illnesses.

Did you know that plants were once the most common means of treatment? Yes, medicinal plants have even been discovered in the living spaces of early humans by archaeologists.

The renowned physician of his time, Hippocrates, who lived in ancient Greece in the 5th century BCE and is also considered the father of modern medicine. He made a significant contribution to the study of the medicinal properties of plants. He not only described them but also tried to explain their healing effects on the human body.

It is worth noting that in medieval Europe, medicinal herbs were not only gathered from forests and meadows but were also cultivated in special “pharmaceutical” gardens near churches and monasteries.

In our time, medicinal plants have not lost their significance, and, in fact, their role is increasing with each passing year. Many doctors claim that people who consume a plant-based diet tend to be calm, friendly, and kind. This is because plants contain essential biologically active substances – catalysts of vital processes, such as vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements.

More than 20,000 medicinal healing plants are known. Just imagine what a resource this is for our health!

So, in this section, we offer you the opportunity to get acquainted with the most well-known healing plants: shrubs, herbs and trees.


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